When considering to do SMS marketing, one need to understand do’s and don’ts of SMS marketing so that you can make proper decision especially on cost factor.


  • Get consent – SMS is a permission-based opt-in communication channel. This means that your customers have to expressly agree to receive SMS messages from you.
  • Call-to-action -SMS messages are short. Just 160 characters long. One of the best ways to craft an effective message is to use the “5 W’s and one H” of journalism – Who, What, Where, When, Why & How. The last W (Why) and the H (How) are the best foundation for your call-to-action (CTA). You’re telling customers what to do after they read your SMS marketing message. Example: WHY – to get your coupon; HOW – by texting the keyword to a short code.
  • Choose the right time – When sending SMS messages to your customers or potential clients, schedule your SMS messages to be sent at appropriate times during the day. Most countries have regulations indicating when you can and cannot send marketing messages to your customers. If you are unsure, take a look at our Regional Regulations. If the information is not available there, feel free to request it.
  • Add variety to your SMS message content – One more tip related to only 160 characters to play with. You must use each character smartly! This is the reason why you must find something effective that will engage your customers and immediately grab their attention. Start your SMS marketing message with an attention grabber – one or a couple of words in capitals. Example: “NEWS,” “SALE” or “SPECIAL OFFER.”
  • Identify your brand – This may seem like an obvious one but it is very important not to forget to identify yourself or your brand name in all of your SMS marketing sends. Whether you use a sender ID or simply add your brand name in each SMS that you send, make sure that your customers and clients know who they are receiving the messages from.
  • Explain how to opt-out of the communication – Tell your customers that replying stop or unsubscribe will ensure that they will no longer receive SMS messages from you. Make sure that you respect your customers request to opt-out by removing their contact details from your contact list.
  • Timing is everything – SMS is very personal. It lands directly into customers’ hands so you must consider the times of day when it is most appropriate to send your marketing messages. It is crucial to choose the right time. Simply, try walking in your customers’ shoes – would you like to receive promotional messages late at night, very early in the morning, or during rush hour? Of course not! To quote Confucius: “What you do not want to be done to yourself, do not do to others.”


  • Don’t spam – If you don’t comply with mobile marketing regulations, any unsolicited commercial SMS messages will be considered spam by your target market and your company could end up facing sanctions, fines, or legal charges. As in any other situation in life, when you’re meeting someone new, the first thing you do is introduce yourself. Why would SMS marketing communication be any different? Make sure your subscribers know who is texting them because this is of key importance for your brand recognition. Once you clearly identify yourself to your audience, your messages immediately become relevant and engaging. Otherwise, if you text anonymously, your messages might be considered SPAM.
  • Don’t bombard your customers – Timing is crucial, but the frequency is equally important. Never ever send messages just to say you’re sending something. If you don’t have anything useful to say or offer, simply stay silent. Your SMS marketing messages must deliver value and a real-time benefit to those who opted in for your SMS communication. Otherwise, you’ll just annoy people and eventually start losing subscribers. Remember, less is more!
  • Don’t abbreviate – It is not a good idea to abbreviate your SMS messages to the point that they are illegible. Use your discretion when including SMS abbreviations into your messages to ensure that you are communicating clearly to your target audience. Remember, not everyone understands texting abbreviations and slang. Although it might seem smart to take advantage of the limited space in a more rational way, you’re risking to confuse your customers. You can even disable them so they can understand your message correctly.

That bring us to the conclusion of do’s and don’ts of SMS marketing in the space of mobile marketing.