Benefits of Texting in World of Marketing

Benefits of Text messaging
Discover the benefits of Texting: Explore the Benefits of SMS Communication for Businesses and Individuals.
The benefit of Texting your customers is can prompt them to take immediate action like purchasing your product because of the discount you have offered to them.
You probably already send your customers discounts and offers via email, but how often do they use them?
According to MailChimp, the average open rate for marketing emails is just 21.8%, with an average click-through rate of only 2.78%. Maybe your message went straight to the junk folder. Perhaps it went unseen until after the offer expired or it was just ignored.
Your customers receive so many marketing emails that there just isn’t time to read them all. Avoiding these problems is one of the biggest benefits of texting. In contrast, most people check their phones within a few minutes of getting a text.
SMS has an average open rate of 98%. It also has an average click-through rate of 19%. This allows you to use limited-time offers to encourage immediate action. It is too easy to forget about marketing you received days or even hours ago.
The rapid nature of SMS marketing pairs well with geo-fencing strategies. Message customers who are near your business or far away. You can use this to create effective and personal messages. For example, a café could remind nearby customers to pop in for their favorite drink.